Big Success Despite Test Score Struggles: Ross & Darden admits

Getting an MBA acceptance can be a long and grueling process and I truly believe that finding the right advisor to guide you through the journey can be the make it or break it factor. I can say with confidence that hiring Bryan as my MBA consultant was the best decision and investment I made throughout the whole process and I would not have been able to gain acceptance to my top choice program without him.

Getting to know Bryan early was key for me as we started with resume building and I was able to discover unique attributes about myself that I never knew existed. Through his sessions, I was able to really dig deep inside to share my vulnerabilities that really translated to an impactful application and essay. Everyone is different and unique in their own way and Bryan is so good at picking up those subtle signs and small details to help develop and formulate that one-of-a-kind story that MBA Adcoms want to hear. Not only does he give great advice but he gave everything to me straight forward and will tell you when he doesn’t agree or needs change.

He was an advisor that I could simply talk with to strategize, especially when things weren’t going well. I struggled with test scores until the very end and at times I would lose motivation but he kept me on track with words of encouragement and I’d say he was also my mental coach.

Interview training was tremendously helpful. He gave me feedback right away on answers that didn’t sound right, and really dug deep into my answers that helped me prepare for the actual interview. Even subtle but important points like hand gesture, body language, eye contact and tone he gave me pinpoint advice. I think Bryan’s mock interview was more challenging than any of the real interviews I did, so it really prepared me well.

Lastly, one advice I would give to prospective MBA applicants is to start early and take a free trial with Bryan. I feel like at the very end of the journey Bryan knew me better than my parents and I don’t think any other advisor can commit to an applicant as much as Bryan does to get to know you. Building that trust early on will definitely help in pivoting to formulating meaningful essays and preparing for interviews down the road. My first trial with Bryan I really felt a connection and from then on, I never looked back. Thank you so much Bryan!