How to Show “Authenticity” in Your MBA Applications

I was asked recently by my client how they could demonstrate “authenticity” in the MBA application process. It was a great question, one of the most important when considering how to craft a stand-out MBA profile.

In fact, you have opportunities throughout the application process to show that you are an excellent human being — with strengths as well as weaknesses, dreams, values, emotions, even a sense of humor — on top of being a top-notch businessperson.

Take the resume. A current client didn’t think he should include his hobby of playing a certain game because he thought adcoms would not be interested. However, he loves the game, is a top-ranked player, and even published a book on the game. Those achievements alone make it worth writing about. On top of that, the game requires discipline, strategy, and interpersonal skills, all important to success in business and life. Once we explained that to him, he became excited to share this important part of his life. That genuine excitement? That is authenticity.

Other possibilities abound. When developing goals essays, we always ask our clients, “What do your MBA goals mean to you personally?” The answers we ultimately arrive at almost always enhance the essay by revealing deeper connections with and reasons for pursuing their goals beyond just business success. Since adcoms have seen every possible goals iteration, establishing that connection can set you apart by showing adcoms how serious and sincere you are about your post-MBA career ambitions.

Personal essays. Leadership essays. Failure essays. All of them present chances to showcase who you really are, and that is what adcoms are truly interested in.

Have questions about how YOU can show authenticity? Schedule a free trial consultation and you’ll soon know.